Friday, August 13, 2010

The Critique for The Lion King

Simba is the main protagonish of the movie and story “The Lion King”. Simba is a lion who is the son of Mufasa, the king of all animals. He as a kid was always very cheerful in everything he did and kept doing many crazy things, which made his parents worry all the time. He had an uncle Scar who betrayed him and got his father killed. We can see in the earlier stages in the movie that he has a child morality because he simply believed his uncle even though it wasn't really his fault his father died. And because of the unrequited shame he ran away from it all where he met Timoun and Pumbaa.

Timoun and Pumbaa sort of influenced Simba as his morality matured into adolescence. For many years he forgoed his responsibility and lived “Hakunah Matatah” which means no worries and thus enjoyed his blissful ignorance for a long time. He probably would have not went back to pride rock if Nala had not come and meet him after a very long time. Until he met his childhood friend Nalah after so long and he after meeting the baboon Rafiki he saw a “vision” of his father which convinced him to go back. His friend Nalah was convincing him to face his responsiblites but because of the influence of Timoun and Pumbaa he was distraught and unable to make a concrete decision.

It was only then when he met his supposed father in a supposed vision when he realized he had to stop procrastinating and came back to the Pride Rock. Thus in the later part of the film we see Simba exhibiting adolescent morality still since he is influenced by his father but nevertheless it is constantly changing for the better. He also carries a sense of justice and honor. He wishes to right his wrongs at the key point in the future when he stood up to his Uncle and fought over the leadership of the pride. After so many years of running his evolution was evident. As a child he showed great signs of child morality and it grew into adolescence and the only point he became mature is when he attempted to save his biggest enemy, Scar. This shows how much he respects him and made a moral choice to save his life. However even though he tried Scar inevitabely fell to the horde of animals and got trampled and obviously died. He exhibited great signs of everchanging morality as a child and as an adolescent because he was heavily influenced by his father, Mufasa. And in the end he grew mature morality when attempted to save his Uncle and overall became a great leader of the Pride.
Simba can be seen as a person who cares for his family and friends. Simba sometimes fall into temptation like not listening to his father and go do it anyway. He started out as a very innocent and loving child, who was free of any problems, but everything changed because of what happened after scar betrayed them. At first, he was not free because he was enslaved by the past and decided to just have fun with his friends. But he became truly free when he decided to go back to pride rock and save his family who truly needs him at that time. In conclusion the movie “The Lion King” shows the growth and metamorphosis of the prontagonist, Simba to a true Lion King.

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